17th Dies Natalis, Fikom Untar Ready to Rise with New Spirit

Fikom Untar is ready to rise with new spirit in facing era development by consistently producing high-quality works.

The theme “Rise in Simplicity” was selected by Fikom Untar as a representation to Fikom Untar Academic Community’s spirit after studying amidst the pandemic.

The statement was stated by Dean of the Faculty of Communication Science (Fikom) Untar Dr. Riris Loisa, M.Si. in Fikom Untar 17th Dies Natalis ceremony, Thursday (22/6) at Campus I Untar.

She stated, this year’s dies natalis is a momentum for Fikom Untar to further produce works by publishing a book titled “Pop Culture: Communication and Society” which reviews pop culture from communication perspective.

Meanwhile, the Rector of Untar Prof. Dr. Ir. Agustinus Purna Irawan, M.T., M.M., IPU, AE in his speech said that he supports Fikom Untar to keep procuing works through various program updates.

He expects the works could be synergized as a contribution to build Untar’s reputation in international level.

Fikom Untar was established in 2006 and driven by the values of Humanity, Entrepreneurship, Professionalism, and Integrity (HEPI). Excellent in the field of contemporary business, Fikom Untar has produced thousands of alumni spread across the globe. (DN/AW)

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