The Creadzy team from the Faculty of Communication Sciences (Fikom) Untar consisting of Darren Widjaya and Arifriyanto Wibowo was awarded the favorite winner in the Communication Fiesta competition in the advertising competition category, Saturday (4/5) at the Dinoyo Campus of Widya Mandala Catholic University Surabaya.
Together with Arifriyanto or often called Arif, Darren designed the concept and realized the concept in the form of print advertisements and Instagram content that aims to inspire young Indonesians to be wise in politics through social media.
Despite having won the favorite champion, Darren and Arif revealed they were still not satisfied until they won the first place in the competition.
“Still not satisfied, we will keep trying until we bring home the trophy,” said Arif.
During the series of competition activities, Darren and Arif said they really enjoyed the process of finding ideas, executing those ideas, and the guidance process under Fikom Untar lecturer Gregorius Genep Sukendro S.Sos., M.Si.
Communication Fiesta is a series of annual creative competition activities organized by the Faculty of Communication Sciences, Widya Mandala Catholic University Surabaya. (YS/AW/KJ)