PRO Fikom Untar X USS Feed: Digital Identity of the Youth Generation

Jakarta, November 7, 2024 – The Public Relations Organization (PRO) of the Faculty of Communication Science at Tarumanagara University (Fikom Untar) held a Media Goes To Campus (Medcamp) event on Thursday, November 7, 2024, with the theme “PERINTIS: Pioneers of Critical Digital Identity.” This event, held in the Auditorium of Building M, 8th Floor, Campus 1 Untar, featured a collaboration with USS Feed.

Representatives from USS Feed included Cita Prestisia from the CEO Office of USS Networks and Content Director Bernadus Hendi Nugrahadi. Also in attendance were Dr. Sinta Paramita, S.I.P., M.A., Head of the Communication Science Program at Fikom Untar, Dr. Wulan Purnama Sari, S.I.Kom., M.Si., Vice Head of the Program, and Sisca Aulia, S.I.Kom., M.Si., Fikom Untar’s Student Advisor.

In the opening session, Bernadus and Cita introduced the USS Feed brand. “To revolutionize the youth culture ecosystem. This is the vision of USS Feed, while our mission is to bridge the gap between youth, brands, and the ever-evolving trends,” they stated.

“Cultivating the culture, USS Feed is a media platform that produces and distributes digital content focused on generations, fashion, lifestyle, culture, and music to its audience and followers,” they added.

After the presentation, the event continued with a talk show moderated by Fikom Untar student Mulan Almira Pribadi. Bernadus and Cita emphasized the role of USS Feed and the importance of using social media for branding and life planning, which aligns with the current situation of the young generation.

“We want USS Feed to serve as a forum for critical young people to discuss topics considered heavy or less commonly discussed,” said Bernadus in his presentation.

Bernadus and Cita reminded the youth to find their unique characteristics and develop them according to their own identity, rather than just following trends. In this digital era, where everyone has access to social media, users should be cautious and wise in its use.

“Use social media responsibly. When we post something, both our friends and coworkers can see it,” said Cita during the talk show session.

The event also included fun activities such as the “TEKAN” (Guess the Abbreviation) icebreaker and group telepathy games. Additionally, there was a dance performance by PRO Fikom Untar members Bella Putri Wijaya and Kezia Chung. The Medcamp event concluded with a lucky draw announcement for two winning participants.

Through this event, participants were expected to gain insights and tips on critically building a social media identity that resonates with the youth generation. **Fikom Untar, Bukan Main!** (SN/LI)

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