Tuesday, August 13, 2024, the Faculty of Communication Sciences, Tarumanagara University held a training on “Inclusive Education in Higher Education” for lecturers and staff by inviting speakers including the Dean of the Faculty of Psychology, Tarumanagara University, Sri Tiatri and Lecturer and Supervisor of Students with Learning Disabilities (MBB) of the Faculty of Fine Arts and Design Julius Andi Nugroho.
Previously the Chairperson of the Indonesian Educational Psychology Association for the Jabodetabek Region, and the administrator of the Indonesian Psychology Association Center (2018-2022), Sri Tiatri, who is often called Tia, is a graduate of the Doctoral Program in Educational Psychology, University of Queensland, Australia. Tia began her presentation by explaining the definition of individuals with special needs, namely individuals who have long-term physical, mental, intellectual, or sensory disabilities, as well as individuals who are prevented from participating fully and effectively in society.
These individuals with special needs are also protected by the state with various regulations that have been made. “Every citizen in Indonesia has the right to education. The state wants everyone to participate according to their respective abilities,” said Tia.
Tia said that there are several types of disabilities, one of which is learning disabilities, namely difficulty learning orally and in writing, both in listening, thinking, reading, writing, or spelling. Furthermore, there is attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) disability, namely lack of attention, hyperactivity, and impulsiveness. Other types of disabilities are intellectual disabilities, physical disorders, sensory disorders, speech and language disorders, autism spectrum disorders, and emotional and behavioral disorders.
“There is a master’s student in the Faculty of Psychology who has dyslexia and has successfully graduated because there is a special way of learning, one of which is to utilize the hearing he has, he studies through YouTube and is supported by his family in an extraordinary way,” said Tia about her experience at the Faculty of Psychology Untar.
In her presentation, Tia also conveyed key elements to improve the academic experience of students with disabilities, including training for faculty members related to specific disabilities, good relationships between faculty and students, and a willingness to make reasonable adjustments (Aguirre, Carballo, Lopez-Gavira, 2021). Teaching, learning, and assessment strategies are also specifically designed with a specific approach, technological support such as alternative learning materials that can be accessed by certain disabilities, and assessment approaches that are also designed in such a way (Clouder, et al., 2020).
“Inclusion is possible by adjusting the general curriculum and learning outcomes to individual needs, using flexible teaching methods, and fostering collaboration between lecturers, academics, program coordinators, student mentors, and the students,” said Tia.
At the Faculty of Fine Arts and Design, Julius was appointed as a mentor for Students with Learning Disabilities (MBB). Julius said that, “Integrated support between faculty leaders, lecturers, employees, parents, and friends in class is needed for education for children with disabilities. It requires cooperation.”
Faculty leaders need to work together with human mentors to register students who have special needs, then hold seminars on mentoring students with learning disabilities regularly for employees and lecturers. Julius as the MBB supervisor also coordinates with parents in lectures, lecturers, classmates, brings together lecturers with parents and helps find student assistants.
Furthermore, Julius said, “Lecturers play a role in attending MBB seminars regularly, studying the nature, character, and anticipation of MBB, and reporting to the faculty leader or MBB supervisor if they experience difficulties. At the same time, parents also play a role in providing complete data about their children, always communicating with MBB supervisors about social development, helping to find friends in the same year as their children.”
Classmates also play a role such as providing information to MBB parents, informing classmates about MBB, monitoring and reminding during lectures, and preventing bullying. Student assistants play a role in re-teaching lecture materials both on campus and at home, informing parents about MBB developments, and helping children to focus during the lecture process.
Through this training, it is hoped that every lecturer and employee of Fikom Untar can understand more about inclusive education in Higher Education, so that in the future every Fikom Untar person can provide the best service and do excellent things for all stakeholders. (LI)